Mapa Astral (tra vez)
Olha, porque Lara Croft me perguntou pelo meu ascendente e tal, resolvi vasculhar nos meus posts anteriores e cá tá!
Uma vez mais reafirmo, não acredito nessas coisas dos astros, mas nas coincidências com a minha personalidade, eu acredito...ahaahaha!
Excerto do meu post de 27 Novembro de 2006
"Bonito! Olho para aquilo e é como um burro a olhar para um palácio.
Não percebo um cú!
Mas bisbilhotando o tal site, até que se compreende o que lá vem, mais coisa menos coisa.Agora tenho um horóscopo personalizado. P'a mim e mais ninguém!A partir deste momento acredito nos signos, porque:
Sun in Cancer, Moon in Leo
You were born with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo. Your individuality is under the rulership of Cancer. This means that internally you focus on emotions and instincts. When you can express yourself freely, you show a concern for family life as well as casual relationships. At the emotional level, at least, you are frank and trustworthy. You are very attached to your material possessions. You are very fond of pleasure and amusement. You are ambitious and desirous of prominent positions, as well as of the opportunity to perform in public. People view you as generous, honorable, and high-minded.
Your weaknesses lie in the emotions. The sign of Cancer gives you tremendous sensitivity in your relationships with friends. You are spontaneous and frank with them, and you will suffer considerably when these attitudes are not reciprocated.The key to better integration of your personality is to enlarge your intellectual capacities.
(é mesmo eu! hehehe)
Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the Fifth House
At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Jupiter is located in the fifth house.
Sagittarius rising denotes lives which are very dualistic; situations come and go as if divided into two sides - success and failure.If you are able to raise the interests of your mind from common and trivial things to more profound subjects, your intellect will become very philosophical and attracted by law and peace, and it will be more intuitive than rational. In any case your life will be colored by impulsive and rather stubborn tendencies on your part, creating some inclination to go to extremes.
During the course of your existence you must try to develop intuition and human understanding so that you may be in a position to assist other people with your advice.Sagittarius gives you a rather strong love of nature and makes you somewhat extroverted, demonstrative and passionate, falling in love frequently and without reservations. You are an intellectual, an intelligent person who has been fortunate enough to be granted also a good development of the emotional functions.Your romantic life will be intense and varied. Your object of love may find you difficult to understand. In one aspect you will appear as passionate and energetic but because of the mutability of the sign you will also have an opposite tendency that will lead you away from involvement in the love affair and the latter impulse will be caused by a more inner trait, which is personal freedom.Generally speaking, the sign of Sagittarius will incline you to exist in environments in which your physical body, emotions and thoughts are allowed total freedom for development. On a higher intellectual level you may find yourself inclined to dwell in the deep complexities of philosophy, metaphysics, religion and law. You are versatile enough to study more than one discipline simultaneously not forgetting to keep your body in physical movement, since you require both intellectual and physical exercise.Jupiter positioned here denotes first of all that the bulk of your life events will be geared to the satisfaction of your social tendencies, to the expansion of your love life, and to the inclination of many business speculations. This position indicates that your affections are frank, justified and conducted with much self-control and good nature. It is a hint that you will be very successful in all your adventures with love affairs; including financial gain therein.As far as your family is concerned, this position promises lovable and talented children from whom you will derive much happiness and felicity.
(gostei muito da parte:somewhat extroverted, demonstrative and passionate, falling in love frequently and without reservations...que nadaaaaa, não sou eu mesmo!)
Sun in the Seventh House
The Sun was found in the seventh house at the time of your birth. Among other things, this means that your individuality is required to accomplish certain important developments in connection with associations and marriage. It appears, that you will be married to a rather proud but dignified individual, and much of all the progress that you will make in life will be a derivation of your relationship.In any instance, you can expect throughout life the origination of lasting attachments and noble friendships.
(simmm, caso j'ámanhã!)
Venus in the Seventh House
Venus was found in your seventh house at the time of birth. Regarding marriage and other intimate relationships this is one of the best influences existing. You have been promised a happy relationship with a very attractive, lovely, and pleasing person. You have the potential to derive both emotional and financial gain through this connection.Your individuality is thrust toward the environment and this will lead to happiness as well as a psychological compensation for any disabilities. In your interaction with other human beings, there will be harmonious relationships.You will achieve balance through sentimental affection, aesthetics, art, and relationships.
(Venus, acho que realmente te encontraram, mas foi a fugir de mim, só pode!!)
Moon in the Eighth House
The Moon was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. Since the Moon has intense qualities of perception, you may find that gradually there is an awakening of interests in sexual matters, psychic and spiritualistic research, and much mental speculation with ideas concerning the possibilities of existence after death.At some point of your existence there will be possibilities of inheritance through members of the female sex or the maternal side of your family.
Saturn in the Eighth House
Saturn was found in the eighth house at the time of birth. Because of the restraining influence of this planet, matters concerning legacies, inheritance, and the financial dealings of your partner or associates could be severely limited and may be frustrated by what seems to be harsh fate.Psychologically you are rather serious in connection with sexual affairs. You approach sex with caution, rationality and planning. Excess reason and thought in this direction may create some frustration in sexual matters.
(Eu? Sexo? O que é isssssssssoo?)
E podia continuar por aí além. Admito que foi muito interessante ler aquilo tudo. No site, aparecem também as afinidades com os outros signos, ainda mais especificamentes os variados campos do nosso quotidiano: amor, dinheiro, trabalho, bla bla bla.
Entretenham-se e vejam se concordam comigo que quando se lê as características do nosso signo (quando são as coisas boas) a primeira coisa que nos vem à cabeça é:
Bolas, é papel químico!!Se quiserem criar o vosso Mapa Astral, acedam a:
preencham os vossos dados e não se esqueçam de seleccionar "com mapa" para poderem ver o vosso mapa astral natal
De uma situação eu concordo incondicionalmente com o meu signo. O 69 que o identifica no zodíaco. Ahhhhhh grande caranguejo!"
4 comentários:
LOL! Eu só sei que sou carneirinha com ascendencia escorpiana...
Ahhh: Está provado. Vou mesmo casar!
Achas mesmo que alguém vai ler isto tudo? Dás-me sono Nuno Miguelee!
Olha quem fala!
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