I have recently come to the conclusion that love is highly overrated. It makes you stupid and trusting and gives other people a loophole through which they can stab at you while they laugh at your gullibility.
…. 'love' stands for Lousy Overrated Vile Emotion.
….Those books should change the title to say 'Women are from venus, some men are from mars - but some (women or men) are from hell - so people beware!
I find it used way too loosely these days. People say it without actually really meaning it, maybe because they think it’s cute/cool/etc.
When the time does come for them to use it as proper, I think others will find it hard to believe them.
“But he/she’s already told me 894893498349 times before he/she loves me. How is this different?"
Maybe is not love, just a symbiosis.